Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Super Bowl Commercials

Owning a Volkswagen Beetle myself I found this commercial funny and real. I have always liked Volkswagens and their commercials. When I drive my beetle down the street and I pass people walking I can always rely on looking back in my rearview mirror to see someone getting slugged. This commercial advertisement showed that there are a lot of people out there that play the slug bug game. The most important thing in this super bowl commercial is that Volkswagen opened up the game of slug bug. They are now saying to give the person next to you a punch whenever you see a Volkswagen, and not just the beetle but also any one of the 13 models that they have to offer. They didn’t focus on just one Volkswagen model, but all of them. Doing so opened up a larger market for the advertisement verses other Volkswagen commercials that tend to focus on just one model. For example there is a commercial for the VW Touareg model, which focuses on targeting expecting mothers or women who want to get pregnant just so they can get the new Touareg. This was a good advertisement for Volkswagen to show during the famous super bowl commercials because a lot of people can relate to it. There are many different types of people in the commercial such as young and old, men and women, and different ethnicities and cultures. They also showed hummer in the characters that were giving the punches. They showed a little boy slugging his grandpa in an area that shouldn’t be punched, and also a pregnant woman in labor out of nowhere punched her husband who is driving them to the hospital. There is always time to play slug bug and now the game has opened up to more Volkswagen lovers.

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